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Escrito por ROBERTA ESPERANZA UCCI em 13/08/2010

THE SUPERLATIVE 1 – with short adjectives ( one or two syllables): rich, old, hot, cold, fat, great, happy, big, pretty etc. formamos o superlativo dos short adjectives seguindo o esquema (A) do quadro acima. Observe os exemplos: Mrs Fortune is the richest woman in my town. Albert is the tallest boy in my class. It was the coldest day of the year. Observações: a)ao formar o superlativo, alguns short adjectives of one syllable dobram a consoante final ( se houver apenas uma vogal): big – the biggest hot – the hottest fat – the fattest sad – the saddest thin – the thinnest It was the hottest day of the year. That was the saddest thing of my life. b)os short adjectives terminados por y precedido de consoante mudam o y por I e acrescentam est ao formar o superlativo: happy – the happiest heavy – the heaviest pretty – the prettiest crazy – the craziest hungry – the hungriest lazy – the laziest funny – the funniest ex.: It was the happiest day of my life.
Comentários ( 2 )
drica - 18/08/2010 17:46:53
Notebook Geek - 22/08/2010 20:19:00
Gostei muito! Espero que continue com mais desse tipo de explicações.

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