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Escrito por ROBERTA ESPERANZA UCCI em 16/09/2010

Diversity is a Word that may be applied to different áreas of human life, always to introduce the idea of difference. The important thing to remember is that it brings up the notion to tolerance, accepting other people’s choices and understandings, so that they can accept ours. It can only happen when we recognize diversity and sexual diversity. Biodiversity is related to ecosystems, the various habitats of living things on Earth and the way they relate to create a harmonious natural environment. Ethinic diversity refers to the different human social groups with particular physical and cultural (reliogions, languages, values, beliefs and traditions) characteristics that exist in the world. Sexual diversity, in turn, encompasses the various choices and biological definitions of males and females in terms of their intimate relationships. Biodiversity hit the news as a result of the United Nations conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. What is biodiversity? Biological diversity, or “biodiversity”, refers to the variety of all life on Earth, and the complex relationships among living things and between living things and their environment. Biodiversity includes genetic variety, species diversity, and variability in ecosystems and landscapes. Its recognition involves considerations about the threats to our very existence. Why is biodiversity important? Biodiversity sustains the environments in which we live and on which our lives and those of every other living creature on Earth depend. Thanks to biodiversity, we are able to obtain necessary goods such as food, clothing, medicine, and fuel. Equally important are the things that diverse ecosystems provide, such as clean air and drinkable water. Brazil is very important in this subject because it is here that many extremaly significant ecosystems exist, some of which are unique in the world. If we destroy our living habitat in order to profit financially or simply for our personal covenience, we are not being tolerant eith the way nature provides us with all we need to live a healthy life. Suppose we cut down a tree in our pathway because we are tired of sweeping leaves every day. it is one less tree to produce us with oxygen and with the means to clean up air pollution. Also, when somebody puts down vast amounts of forests in order to produce timber without replacing them, he is contributing to eliminating thousands of animal and insect species, as well as water, which are fundamental for the existence of life in that area. Or even when we throw litter everywhere at home or in public spaces, we are helping to spread diseases and cause flooding. Thing about it and try to figure out why certain people are saving that we are destroying our world!
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