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atv maio (6ºano)

Escrito por ROBERTA ESPERANZA UCCI em 26/05/2010

Occupations My name is Pop. I am a sailor.Julie is a reporter.She writes texts for a journal.Anne is a cooker. She likes to cook.Bob is a painter. He likes to paint. Beth is a teacher. She loves to teach. Fred is a good doctor. He works in a big hospital. Donald is a farmer. He lives on the farm. Nancy is a secretary. She types letters. John is a worker. He works in a big factory. Jin is a player. He is a football player. Mr. Benson is an engineer. He builds houses. Sandy is a singer. She sings well. I am a student. I love to study.
Comentários ( 3 )
nathalia de oliveira fonseca - 11/08/2010 19:55:13
esse texto foi muito legal Professora Roberta!!
thayná - 11/08/2010 19:55:09
adorro ingues
Gabriel Barreto - 08/10/2010 18:42:47
Gostei mt xD '

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