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Escrito por ROBERTA ESPERANZA UCCI em 09/05/2010

A POSTCARD Dear Valerie, My name is Flavia Carvalho. I am from Curitiba. It´s the capital of the state of Paraná in the south of Brazil. I´m a student. I´m in the seventh grade. I´m thirteen years old and I´m Aries. My birthday is on March 22nd. My favorite pop group is “U2”. They are great. I like animals very much. I have a dog named Floss. I love sports, specially basketball. What about you? Please write and tell me about yoursel. Bye for now, Flavia. (from Take your time 2)
Comentários ( 3 )
thomas eward carreira ferreira - 21/05/2010 15:49:27
muito bom para quem quer aprender inglês.Thomas
rafael sallum caputti - 21/05/2010 17:46:31
muito bom texto so poderia ser minha professora.
Tatiana - 10/05/2011 06:45:21
Oii Rafael a Profª é sua por um acaso ? Xau kkkk

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